
We also offer a range of products that need a more specific technical service.

In addition to our wide experience on the market, our company can count on qualified engineers who enables us to offer high-quality and safe products.

Our team facilitates your daily tasks: less physical effort, recording of the informations, traceability, easier work.

Taking ergonomic as a concept for the well-being of users is a priority when we design our products.

We offer services such as :

  • Preventive maintenance
  • Curative maintenance
  • Electrical insulation tests
  • Design of specific products
  • Training for preventive/curative maintenance (classes I, II, III)


Soudeuse AS-01

Chariot de filtration

Smartlift Syncro
Smart Lift

Große Ahlmühle 27, 76865 Rohrbach, Allemagne - Tél : +49 (0) 63 49 - 92 86 37    Mail :

STRUB GmbH - Entreprise certifiée ISO 9001-13485
Tous nos produits sont conformes aux normes CE.
Mentions légales