
This range of products includes transport, storage and organisation elements, equipments for the mobile collection, the fixed collection and the preparation of blood.
These are the features of our products:
- An ergonomic and aesthetic design
- Lightness, stability and a safe and easy set up
- Anodized aluminium with an inox steel structure that provides a sustainable and resistant fixation
- High-quality equipment, non-flammable, 100% washable
- A removable upholstery (at least 1cm thick)
- A standard version of all products, with optional accessories appropriate to you specifical needs
The GP+ System (Gas Piston) enables an easy and immediate « Trendelenburg » position thanks to the seat inclination (legs higher than the head). The donor can quickly recover, without any effort for the medical staff.
Große Ahlmühle 27, 76865 Rohrbach, Allemagne - Tél : +49 (0) 63 49 - 92 86 37 Mail :
STRUB GmbH - Entreprise certifiée ISO 9001-13485
Tous nos produits sont conformes aux normes CE.
Mentions légales