Temperature control

The maintenance of the cold chain is essential for the preservation of all the blood components and their treatment. Those constraints lead to a continuous evolution in the development of cooling systems.

The costs related to cooling elements are also one of our continuous challenge.

On the other hand, to have an adequate transportation system, there are several variables that must be taken into consideration: external temperature, volume, time, working methods, etc.

This is why we developed complete solutions to maintain the cold chain during all the steps of the blood collection and preparation, from the blood donation to the processing of blood and its components.

Our passive systems of temperature maintenance can keep the temperature of blood products for more than 12 hours and enable to get a maximum efficiency with an excellent quality/price ratio.

We also offer an individual support in the definition of complete temperature maintenance systems in order to give you the best answer to your specific needs.

Our systems include :

  1. Cold accumulators
  2. Supports for cold accumulators
  3. Transport boxes – Polybox
  4. Temperature monitoring systems « Datalogger » (optional)

Accumulateurs de froid

Plaques eutectiques

Boîtes de transport

Ligne Soft Bags
Ligne Polybox

Contrôle de température


Große Ahlmühle 27, 76865 Rohrbach, Allemagne - Tél : +49 (0) 63 49 - 92 86 37    Mail :

STRUB GmbH - Entreprise certifiée ISO 9001-13485
Tous nos produits sont conformes aux normes CE.
Mentions légales